SNF Sendriya Book / Organic Farming Practices for Cultivation of Paddy / English

Writer: Alekhya Kotha

Textbook Binding

Textbook Binding

About: This book describes different methods of Organic Farming Methods, one can practice for the cultivation of Paddy. 

Overview of the Book:

This is our attempt to share our experience & knowledge which we gained from past 5 years regarding various organic and natural farming methods, describing the details on, how they can be implemented in our day to day life farming as an replacement of conventional or chemical method of farming.

This book is documented & written exclusively for the crop 'PADDY' which is the source of "RICE", the most popular and most commonly consumed food in India.

The contents of book includes various organic and natural methods along with differentiating each method in terms of cow based, non-cow based; expensive and affordable methods; each organic farming method compared with its respective chemical method.

"Save Nature Foundation" is a non profit organization. It is formed to save nature & environment by starting own Natural Farm to produce all varieties of Fruits, Vegetables & Millets, with Natural Farming methods in which we farm only by using natural fertilizers with Desi cow dung, Urine and Kasayam as ingredients instead of chemical fertilizers.

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e on 26 November 2024 12:29 PM
e on 26 November 2024 04:53 PM